Movement Evolution Store
Jonathon Neeson - Founder
Movement Evolution
Strength | Mobility | Performance
At Movement Evolution we emphasise a ‘MOVE FIRST’ philosophy over ‘STRENGTH FIRST’.
Strength is great to have and I’m sure it felt amazing hitting that 200kg deadlift, but if you can't tie your shoe laces without putting your back out, what's the point?
Once you’ve developed the ability to MOVE, we then blend classical gymnastics & calisthenics with powerlifting, old school strongman, primal and free-flow movement.
We work hard, recover hard, drink trucks loads of really good coffee, but more importantly we have a real good laugh along the way.
Privately coached or in a group with likeminded others, you just let us know what your goals are. Step by step, well get you there.
Although we have clients from every walk of life, the emphasis toward the importance of nutrition never fades as it is the cornerstone of every gym success story.
To become part of our highly motivated team, simply send us a message on the Contact Us page saying "I'm In", and we'll look after the rest!